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HomeNewsRockstar Games Dev’s Son May be Getting Grounded Soon Over Alleged GTA...

Rockstar Games Dev’s Son May be Getting Grounded Soon Over Alleged GTA 6 Leak!

According to a series of unconfirmed reports, today’s GTA 6 leaked footage comes from the son of a Rockstar Games employee

Young people occasionally do stupid things like hurl pebbles at vehicles or roll down hills. What a Rockstar Games developer’s son supposedly done may rank among the top five idiotic kid moments in history.

There are several issues with accepting every single gameplay leak, especially if it comes from someone linked to Rockstar, as cold, hard fact. The clip could be from an earlier or discarded build of the game, it could be a section of early game content that is not representative of the entire game, or it could simply be inaccurate. However, the panorama of Vice City, which has been confirmed to be in the game, appears to be quite authentic.

If the leak is true, this boy may never be free. This might land his father in serious legal issues, not to mention jeopardize him his job if Rockstar is feeling particularly spiteful today. This goes much beyond typical kid pranks.

All parts of a game are treated as military secrets by game creators. They are notoriously sensitive to leaks, and a section of the gamers prefer to consume the marketing that the firms put out on the developers’ timeline. There’s a lot of community pressure not to disclose anything, and developers have utilized DMCA laws in the past to get leaks and mods removed. Going to all of this bother to combat leakers appears and feels ridiculous, yet games are now a larger entertainment industry than Hollywood. As the story evolves, there are just two current takeaways: This kid is in big trouble, and gamers’ devotion for marketing is ridiculous.


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